The Air Water Group Customer Safety Policy

The Air Water Group recognizes the importance of offering needed products and services to consumers and to its corporate customers through its various businesses. These include industrial gas, chemicals, medical products, energy, agricultural products, foodstuffs, logistics, seawater, and aerosols as well as quality and safety management.
In addition to adhering to various laws and guidelines, we fulfill our responsibilities to our customers by promoting efforts to publicize product safety and engaging in responsible marketing.

1. Product safety
The Air Water Group is committed to ensuring the safety of its various products through its policy of providing safer and more secure products to customers in compliance with the obligations stipulated in the High-Pressure Gas Safety Act, the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Act, the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Equipment Act, the Food Sanitation Act, and the JAS Act (safety-related laws and regulations regarding products handled, such as quality labeling standards).
Going forward, we will continue to provide safe and secure products as we review the promotion of in-house education, establish information transmission routes, and review responses in the event of a product mishap.

2. Responsible advertising and marketing
Under the Air Water Group Code of Ethical Conduct, we conduct responsible advertising and marketing initiatives that fully consider our social responsibilities; moreover, through two-way dialogue with stakeholders, we listen to the expectations and requests submitted by members of society and strive to put them into practice. When engaging in advertising and marketing, we exercise thorough internal management in order to ensure that the content and expressions are not misleading and do not infringe on the rights, credibility, or honor of others according to the relevant laws and regulations, internal regulations, internal training, and company-wide compliance system.

Company-wide Policy on Quality and Company-wide Quality Targets

The Air Water Company-wide Policy on Quality is designed to encourage quality assurance and raise employees’ awareness of the importance of quality. We have set company-wide targets as a means of improving quality levels, and are working to reduce quality risks.

Improved Compliance Relating to Quality

Quality Compliance Guidelines

To prevent wrongdoing, major complaints, large-scale recalls and any other issues that may undermine society’s trust in us and cause untold economic losses, we instituted the Air Water Group Quality Compliance Guidelines in 2018. The guidelines stipulate the basics of the Group’s activities toward reducing quality compliance risks, and set forth policies for departments and Group companies to improve their risk management.

Quality Risk Surveys

Based on our Quality Compliance Guidelines, once a year we carry out quality risk surveys. Through these self-assessment surveys, each business division and Group company determines the size of compliance risks associated with product quality from a material, human, and economic perspective. Audits are conducted at departments and companies that are deemed to pose a high risk, and measures to reduce risks are put in place.

Training Sessions

The Air Water Group regularly conducts quality assurance training sessions with the aim of effectively promoting quality assurance initiatives.

Sharing Quality Assurance Information

The Air Water Group occasionally issues quality assurance information and notices. As well, information on quality assurance is shared by email to quality assurance managers and personnel in each department and Group company.