Human Rights Policy

Recognizing that it may directly or indirectly affect the human rights of individuals in the course of its business operations, the Air Water Group formulated the Air Water Group Human Rights Policy, which is based on the “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2011. This policy was adopted in respect of the human rights of all involved in business and promotes initiatives to respect human rights. For our employees, we have clearly developed our Group approach to human rights through our Code of Ethical Conduct*, which we disseminate through various training programs. With this framework, we demonstrate our commitment to respecting and defending basic human rights.
*Japanese, English, and Chinese language versions have been produced and distributed to Group employees. In addition, we believe that efforts to uphold human rights are not limited to Group officers but are also intended to address the human rights of our business partners and various other stakeholders.

Human Rights Policy of the Air Water Group

1. Compliance with norms and laws related to respect for human rights
At the Air Water Group, we support and respect international norms related to human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights  of the United Nations, which sets out the fundamental human rights of all people worldwide, and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work  of the International Labour Organization (ILO), which stipulates the fundamental rights at work (freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of forced or compulsory labor, the abolition of child labor, and elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation).
The Air Water Group also complies with applicable laws and regulations in the countries and regions in which it operates its business. In the case of a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws and regulations of specific countries or regions, we will pursue methods to respect international human rights principles to the maximum extent possible.
2. Responsibility for respecting human rights
The Air Water Group will fulfill its responsibility for respecting human rights and build a responsible supply chain by respecting the human rights of Group officers and employees, upholding the human rights of people affected by their business activities, and taking appropriate measures to uphold human rights in the event our business activities have a negative impact on human rights. We will fulfill our responsibility to uphold human rights and build a responsible supply chain by taking appropriate measures.
3. Scope of application
This policy applies to all officers and employees of the Air Water Group. In addition, we expect all business associates involved in the provision of our products and services to acknowledge and agree with this policy; moreover, we encourage them to fulfill their social responsibilities, including respect for human rights.
4. Application of due diligence on human rights
In order to minimize any negative impact on human rights, the Air Water Group has established a human rights “due diligence” system to identify, prevent, and mitigate any negative impacts on the human rights of individuals resulting from the activities of the Air Water Group.
5. Correction and remedy
If it is determined that the Air Water Group’s business activities have violated human rights, or if it is shown to be involved or suspected of being involved in such activities through its business associates, the Group will work to correct and remedy any such violation through dialogue and appropriate procedures based on international standards.
6. Education and training
The Air Water Group will provide its employees with appropriate education and training to ensure that this policy is incorporated into all its business activities and that it is implemented effectively.
7. Responsible person
The Air Water Group will appoint an officer responsible for implementing this policy and overseeing its implementation.
8. Disclosure of information
The Air Water Group will disclose its efforts to respect human rights according to this policy on its website and through other media.
9. Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders
The Air Water Group will endeavor to improve its efforts to respect human rights by engaging in dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders regarding its response to actual or potential negative impacts on human rights.

The Air Water Group Code of Ethical Conduct (Article 18)

1. Respect for basic human rights and diversity
In addition to respecting the human rights of each individual, the Group may not engage in discrimination for irrational reasons unrelated to the promotion of business, such as gender, nationality, creed, race, age, social status, or physical disability. Such discrimination can never be permitted.
2. Prohibition of harassment
The Group may not engage in any form of harassment, including unwanted sexual harassment in the workplace or harassing speech or behavior on the grounds of pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, or long-term care leave. No power harassment resulting in mental or physical distress in the work environment that springs from a position of superiority will be permitted in the workplace; this prohibition also applies with regard to harassment on the basis of employment status and human relationships.

Human rights education

At the Air Water Group, we have clarified our approach to human rights for our employees in the Air Water Group Code of Ethical Conduct, while we are also striving to enhance understanding of human rights through various training programs. Moreover, by improving awareness of and response to workplace harassment issues, we are working to ensure that harassment is not overlooked and eliminated entirely. In doing so, we hope to create a safe, comfortable workplace environment in which there is mutual respect among all our employees. One specific measure is our creation of the Air Water Group Power Harassment Guide which we have distributed to all Group employees. The guide contains definitions and examples of workplace harassment, as well as matters for employees to observe. Further, we also host training programs for management in which power harassment is a central theme. All employees also undertake online learning courses on sexual harassment and power harassment.

Human rights reporting and consultation desk

The Group’s Compliance Hotline (Whistleblower System) accepts input on all aspects of work, including human rights. Group employees can contact this desk anonymously. In addition, we have established a system that allows whistleblowers to obtain legal counsel at the law firm of their choice to serve as an outside consultation desk.
In fiscal 2020, no reports or consultations were received regarding human rights violations or discrimination that would have a significant impact on the Group’s management.

Participation in initiatives

As a member of the Kansai Productivity Center’s Labor Law Study Group, supervisors from our personnel department attend monthly meetings. These meetings are centered on lectures by lawyers, professors, and experts in the field of business and human rights, and the knowledge we gain through these meetings is reflected into personnel management at the Air Water Group.