Air Water Group Health Management

At the Air Water Group, a healthy workforce is both a valuable asset and the biggest driving force behind our growth strategies. As such, we are implementing health management that balances both company growth and employee health by proactively improving workplace environments and hosting systematic health-improvement activities. While gauging current issues and considering company characteristics, the Health Management Promotion Team (within the Personnel Department) and the Health Insurance Society work together to drive initiatives to improve employee health.

Health Management Declaration

<Air Water Group Health Management Declaration>

A healthy workforce is a valuable Group asset and the biggest driving force behind our growth strategies. To guarantee the physical and mental health of our workforce, and to ensure their continued endeavor toward new growth, we will implement health management that balances both company growth and employee health by proactively improving workplace environments and hosting systematic health-improvement activities.

Promotion System

Under our president’s leadership, we will establish a health management project by Collabo-Health that links our company with Corporate Health Insurance Society and National Health Insurance Association. We will also implement a health project plan (Data Health plan) based on analysis of data from health checkups. We have struck a Health Management Committee led by our Chief Health Officer (CHO) to determine the health status of our employees, examine various responses, and verify the benefits.

Outline of Our Promotion System

Specific Initiatives

At Air Water Inc., our Group companies collaborate with the Health Management Team to identify current issues and promote the following initiatives in line with corporate circumstances.

  1. Collabo-Health with our Corporate Health Insurance Society
    We will strengthen cooperation with our health insurance associations and will clarify health issues by analyzing medical expenses and data from medical checkups.
  2. Periodic health checkups for all
    We aim to achieve a 100% participation rate for our regular health checkups.
  3. Recommendations with specific health guidance
    We will establish a system in which all targeted individuals will receive specific health guidance based on the results of their medical examinations, and all will be encouraged to follow the guidance offered.
  4. Recommendation for follow-up examinations and other such consultations
    We recommend that all subjects who have been pointed out for reexamination, thorough examination or treatment in the medical examination results should consult a medical institution.
  5. Implementation of measures to maintain or improve the health of employees
    (1) Measures to encourage smoking cessation
    (2) Measures to counter lifestyle diseases
    (3) Measures to improve dietary habits
    (4) Measures to promote mental health
    (5) Measures to promote an active lifestyle

Initiatives for mental health

A stress check program is among Air Water’s comprehensive initiatives for employee mental health care, which we conduct on a planned, ongoing basis.

In fiscal 2020, 1,299 employees underwent stress checks, and of those 134 (10.3%) were determined to be under high levels of stress. The results of the stress check are conveyed directly by the outside professional organization to the employees checked, and employees are also able to consult with specialists via an outside consultation desk without going through the company. Employees who do report to the company are able to talk with an industrial physician or other specialist and receive guidance, and we are working to ensure that these efforts lead to the early detection and treatment of mental health issues.