(unit: million yen)
2020/03 2021/03 2022/03 2023/03 2024/03
◇ Continuing operations
Revenue 809,083 806,630 888,668 1,004,914 1,024,540
Cost of sales -628,463 -625,734 -689,555 -804,830 -804,271
Gross profit 180,620 180,895 199,112 200,084 220,268
Selling, general and administrative expenses -135,383 -135,398 -139,703 -150,379 -158,411
Other income 9,122 6,767 7,768 15,049 7,882
Other expenses -5,348 -3,321 -3,946 -5,075 -3,523
Share of profit of investments accounted for using equity method 1,605 2,287 1,942 2,502 2,056
Operating profit 50,616 51,231 65,174 62,181 68,272
Finance income 1,395 1,128 1,369 2,051 2,878
Finance costs -2,181 -2,707 -2,314 -3,253 -4,438
Profit before tax 49,830 49,651 64,230 60,978 66,712
Income tax expense -16,085 -19,292 -17,823 -18,023 -20,565
Profit from continuing operations 33,745 30,359 46,406 42,954 46,146
◇ Discontinued operations
Profit (loss) from discontinued operations -218 51 -142 -305 -11
Profit 33,526 30,410 46,263 42,649 46,135

<Profit attributable to>

(unit: million yen)
2020/03 2021/03 2022/03 2023/03 2023/04
Owners of parent 30,430 27,367 43,214 40,137 44,360
Non-controlling interests 3,095 3,042 3,049 2,512 1,774
Profit 33,526 30,410 46,263 42,649 46,135

<Other comprehensive income>

(unit: million yen)
2020/03 2021/03 2022/03 2023/03 2024/03
Total of items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss - 4,160 11,079 - 3,053 4,237 9,768
Total of items that may be reclassified to profit or loss - 761 955 10,919 4,319 26,443
Total other comprehensive income - 4,922 12,035 7,866 8,557 36,212
Comprehensive income 28,604 42,445 54,130 51,206 82,347

<Comprehensive income attributable to>

(unit: million yen)
2020/03 2021/03 2022/03 2023/03 2024/03
Owners of parent 24,438 39,407 49,196 49,671 77,991
Non-controlling interests 4,165 3,037 4,933 1,535 4,356
Comprehensive income 28,604 42,445 54,130 51,206 82,347

<Earnings per share>

2020/03 2021/03 2022/03 2023/03 2024/03
Basic earnings (loss) per share
Continuing operations (yen) 148.49 120.75 191.69 178.18 194.74
Discontinued operations (yen) - 1.06 0.23 - 0.63 - 1.34 - 0.05
Basic earnings per share (yen) 147.43 120.98 191.06 176.84 194.69
Diluted earnings (loss) per share
Continuing operations 148.26 120.61 191.48 178.00 194.57
Discontinued operations - 1.06 0.23 - 0.63 - 1.34 - 0.05
Diluted earnings per share 147.20 120.84 190.86 176.66 194.52


(unit: million yen)
2016/03 2017/03 2018/03 2019/03
Net sales 660,622 670,536 753,559 801,493
Cost of sales 520,925 517,286 592,616 631,232
Margin 139,697 153,249 160,943 170,261
Selling, general and administrative expenses 100,173 111,907 118,545 126,681
Operating income 39,524 41,341 42,398 43,580
Non-Operating income 4,269 4,332 5,287 6,624
Non-Operating expense 8,717 4,423 2,994 3,227
Ordinary income 35,075 41,251 44,691 46,977
Extraordinary income 5,985 2,553 2,559 833
Extraordinary losses 5,032 6,487 6,748 7,972
Income before income taxes and minority interests 36,029 37,316 40,501 39,838
Corporate, inhabitant, and enterprise taxes 13,776 12,910 13,250 13,708
Deferred - 77 457 263 - 1,940
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 2,190 1,611 1,815 1,601
Profit attributable to owners of parent 20,139 22,337 25,173 26,468