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Chief Executive Officer Kikuo Toyoda
In 2010, we declared our long-term vision for growth—to achieve sales of 1 trillion yen. In the intervening 12 years, we have expanded the scale of our business and worked to establish an “all-weather” business portfolio with an optimal balance of industrial- and lifestyle-related businesses. Based on the foundation of stable revenue that our disparate business fields provide, we have been actively working on M&As and other investments. These efforts have allowed us to achieve dramatic growth, with 888.7 billion yen of sales revenue and 65.2 billion yen of operating profit in fiscal 2021 (2.1 and 2.2 times the figure for fiscal 2009 respectively).
During the period (FY2019–2021) covered by our previous medium-term management plan, NEXT-2020 Final, we responded to changes in the environment resulting from the pandemic and promoted the electronics domain and global business, both areas for which high growth is predicted. Also, as a result of progress toward our integration and reorganization of our group companies, as well as other business structure reforms, we have yet to achieve 1 trillion yen in sales revenue, but we have gone well beyond our 60-billion-yen target for operating profit.
In the future, we aim to achieve sustainable growth and improved corporate value by helping to address social issues through our business activities by focusing on two principal axes of growth—the global environment and wellness—which will incorporate existing business domains and social issues such as climate change and extreme population aging. We will combine the management resources (diverse businesses, personnel, and technologies) we have accrued since the company was founded to bring about synergies that will allow us to create new corporate value by resolving social issues.
To that end, on April 1, 2022, we undertook large-scale organizational reforms and switched to a new group management structure, which integrates the company and our many group companies. Under our new medium-term management plan, terrAWell30 1st stage (FY2022–2024), we will create synergies through the optimization of the Group’s management resources in order to expand areas of growth, enhance profitability, and cultivate new business.
Going forward, we will continue to pursue and enhance the essential value of the Group’s business, namely, “to support healthy living and manufacturing by working closely with people and communities,” in line with our aim of “meeting society’s needs with nature’s blessings.”
I hope that I can count on your continued understanding and support.