Management philosophy is a concept that serves as the basis of action policy for all the businesses of the Air Water Group.
The origins of the AIR Water Group’s business can be found in its name, which consists of two words: “air” and “water.”
We make use of the resources of our precious earth to create businesses and contribute to society and everyday life.
Amid a business environment that continues to change at a dizzying pace, we will continue to leverage the Group’s collective capacities to tackle problems faced by our customers and society, and will rise to the challenge of creating new value.
In April 2000, Daido Hoxan Inc. and Kyodo Oxygen Co., Ltd. merged and named the new company "Air Water".
The starting point of our business is the industrial gases business, which manufactures oxygen, nitrogen, etc., using air as a raw material. Afterwards, we have launched seawater business of extracting active ingredients such as Magnesia and others from the seawater.
The earth in which we live is surrounded by two major natural spaces; the atmosphere and the oceans. In this abundance nature where those air and water mingled together, technologies in all fields have been born and raised up until today. In the course of time, we have come to realize that our business potential lies in the place where air and water, their tangencies, and mixture of those exist.
Our company name "Air Water" embodies our corporate philosophy of contributing to society and the environment, rooted in the most important resources with an infinite of possibilities for humans and nature.

The Air Water logo is an oval shape with a width-to-height ratio of 10:9. This circle with slight bulges at the sides represents the shape of the earth. The earth seems spherical, but in reality it is a slight oval shape whose diameter at the equator is 43 km greater than through the poles. Also, the logo color, deep blue, represents water, which covers 71% of the earth's surface, so that the logo design represents the earth itself.
Making use of air and water that are the precious resources of the earth in ways that are best for them, and returning materials that have been used to nature again so as to preserve the earth, in other words, “to take utmost care of air and water so that they are unchanged in the future,” is the mission of Air Water.