Air Water Inc. is pleased to announce that on August 25 it expressed its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (hereafter, "TCFD"*1), which was established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB*2), and joined the TCFD Consortium*3.
The Air Water Group has set the Sustainability Vision, describing what it should be like by 2050 to ensure that society will be wealthy and sustainable in 2050. Under this vision, the Group works to achieve a recycling-oriented society through coexistence with society and the earth. In this context, the Group carries out activities to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by focusing on two core fields, in an effort to help solve diverse social issues through its business activities. One of the core fields is the global environment, where it takes initiatives with a focus on creating a carbon neutral society. The other is wellness, a field where the Group widely contributes to people’s health and welfare.
Moving forward, the Group will further enhance these initiatives to solve the climate change problem and other social issues. At the same time, it will be proactive in disclosing information by following the disclosure frameworks recommended by TCFD (governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets concerning climate-related risks and opportunities).

*1: TCFD was established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB*2) in 2015 in response to a request from G20 leaders. It recommends that financial impacts of risks and opportunities created by climate change on business management should be assessed and disclosed by including governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets as core elements of disclosures.
*2: An international body consisting of financial ministries and departments and central banks of nations, which monitors the global financial system
*3:The TCFD Consortium was established in 2019 by businesses, financial institutions, and other organizations that support the TCFD recommendations. It discusses effective information disclosures and initiatives to enable disclosed information to lead to appropriate investment decisions by financial institutions and other bodies.
[Contact for inquiries]
Corporate Communications, Air Water Inc.
Contact persons (Osaka): Nakai/ Ishii Phone: +81 6 6252 3966 12 8 Minami Semba 2 chome, Chuo ku, Osaka shi, Osaka, 542 0081, Japan
Contact persons (Tokyo): Fukushima/ Sumi Phone:+81 3 3578 7804 18 19 Toranomon 3 chome, Minato ku, Tokyo, 105 0001, Japan