Green Power Investment Corporation ("GPI") and other five companies have been contracted to undertake the project of New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization ("NEDO"). NEDO publicly called for applicants for the fiscal 2021 projects: Development of Technologies for Realizing a Hydrogen Society/Advancement of Hydrogen Technologies and Utilization Project/Study on Potential of Hydrogen Production and Use. The six companies made an application in cooperation with the city of Ishikari, the city of Sapporo, and Ishikari Environmental and Energy Industries Promotion Council.
The companies assume hydrogen production using surplus electricity from the offshore wind power plant that GPI is currently constructing at Ishikari Bay New Port, Hokkaido. The survey aims to identify technological, economic, and institutional issues and facilitate the production of hydrogen from excess electricity, together with local production for local consumption. It will involve efficient hydrogen production through the integrated operation of a large-scale wind power plant, large-scale storage batteries, and water electrolysis equipment (i.e., local production); and the use of hydrogen in nearby localities, including Ishikari and Sapporo (i.e., local consumption).
<Project overview>
<Project period>
From August 2021 to February 2023
<Responsibilities of six companies>
- Green Power Investment Corporation
Coordination and supervision of the survey; estimate of surplus electricity used for hydrogen production; investigation into mobility and potential of hydrogen use for buildings in Ishikari, Sapporo, and environs; and feasibility study of a total system of hydrogen utilization
- Hokkaido Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Investigation into potential of hydrogen use at thermal power plants
Examination of hydrogen manufacturing equipment; and simulation of hydrogen production amount
- Imoto Lines, Ltd.
Examination of hydrogen transportation methods between Hokkaido and other areas (transportation by inland vessel)
- Air Water Inc.
Examination of hydrogen transportation methods within Hokkaido
- KYOCERA Communication Systems Co., Ltd.
Examination of hydrogen use at data centers

[Contact for inquiries]
Corporate Communications, Air Water Inc.
Contact persons (Osaka): Nakai/ Ishii Phone: +81 6 6252 3966 12 8 Minami Semba 2 chome, Chuo ku, Osaka shi, Osaka, 542 0081, Japan
Contact persons (Tokyo): Fukushima/ Sumi Phone:+81 3 3578 7804 18 19 Toranomon 3 chome, Minato ku, Tokyo, 105 0001, Japan