An energy infrastructure operator continuing to move forward with local communities, Air Water has been delivering liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and kerosene for more than a half century since the early days of the Japanese LPG market. We are working vigorously on new energy solutions, such as systems for transporting and storing liquefied natural gas (LNG) and mobile power generation vehicles using LPG. We have now integrated the Energy business and the Environment business to build a new business model involved in resource recycling and clean energy with the goal of helping solve the challenge of creating a carbon-free, resource-circulating society.

We supply LPG under the Hello Gas brand name mainly in Hokkaido, where we have a sales network that includes more than 100 bases. In addition, we operate locally-based life solution businesses including kerosene sales and housing renovation businesses. In 2019, we launched an LPG supply business in Vietnam. We also run a business generating electric power from renewable energy at four locations in Japan.
We are also focusing our efforts on the expansion of LNG-related businesses in light of the growing worldwide demand for LNG amid the trend towards reduced environmental impact. We offer engineering services for supply facilities with the use of our technologies and know-how cultivated through our original Industrial Gases business to help build a carbon-free society.

We will combine the Air Water Group's array of businesses and technological innovation to develop and provide new materials with reduced environmental impact and to develop a sustainable model of energy supply for the regional circulation of resources.
Specifically, we engage in the business of manufacturing the ECOROCA regenerated woody building material for decks and other applications from waste wood and plastics. We actively develop technologies for the effective utilization of food waste, livestock manure, thinned wood and other unused resources as sources of energy and carry out the verification of businesses in an intensive effort to implement solutions for decarbonization that include local production and local consumption.